Monday, October 4, 2010

Guyana: Nerds Not Welcome

So, just because inter-house sports are over here at ARMS, that doesn't mean sports are over. Far from it. This week on Thursday and Friday, we have inter-school sports, where the top athletes from ARMS will compete against the best from other nearby schools. Following that at some point, the best of the inter-school competitions will advance to inter-branch (maybe the region level? not totally clear) and then on to national competitions. The take-home message is that students are missing class like crazy for what I think will be about the next month to practice, and the whole school gets out on Friday to watch.

Anyway, that's a long intro to give a short story about a brief speech the headmaster gave today to all the students. He basically said something like this (paraphrased)):

We have school sports on Thursday and Friday this week. On Friday, all the students will be able to attend. You can attend or otherwise you should stay home. I noticed the other day when we had school sports that some of you were just sitting around under the pavilion, not watching or participating. Some of the students at this school are nerds. All you care about is books. Here at this school we want well-rounded people, not nerds. So next time we have inter-house sports, I suggest that you just stay home.

Presented without further comment.

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