Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Fruit Quiz

Fruits in Guyana are a little different. Consider this part 1 of your education.

The picture below contains a lemon, a lime and a wild cherry pepsi can (imported from america - woo corn syrup). Which is which?

answer after the jump

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Exams Part 2

Here's another couple of exam week nuggets:

1. So the kids all get photocopied tests, but write their answers on their own pieces of paper. I'd already collected this one guy's paper, and he was writing on the back of his exam paper, which is fine. They're bored. I get it. But then it starts drawing a lot of attention, and he's sitting in the back of the classroom, so it must be interesting. Also all the kids sit at these double-wide desks, so its the kid (who's in 8th grade) and a 7th grade girl from a different class. Anyway, I walk back, and he's drawing but (somewhat skillfully) covering it up with his hand. So I let him go for a while, but eventually take it up. There was some crude drawing of something resembling a naked lady or something. Nothing too outrageous, but probably what was causing the commotion. What caught my eye was something else though. He had written:
Hello, my name is Vivekanand Mangar and I am in 8-1. I don't have a girlfriend because I have a big head."

Its possible he didn't actually write it (could have been the girl), but I kind of had a hard time keeping a straight face for the rest of the exam period. I did quietly mention to him that his head wasn't really all that big, and he'd probably grow into it in a few years. Ah to be young again...

2. Unrelated excellent answers to a question:
Q: List three things you should do to take care of your eyes.

A: Never rub your eye with your eye.

A: If you have something in your eye, ask someone to blow it out for you.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


This week is exam week. I was fortunate enough that my largest group of students (5 9th grade science classes) took my exam on Monday, so I've had plenty of work this week but will be able to finish my marking early. One of the topics we covered this term was atomic bonding, both covalent and ionic. Students were asked to identify some bonds.

Some have a little trouble with spelling, so I got some nice answers:

Convection bonding - we did talk about heat transfer and convection this term

Iconic bonding - Michael Jackson and Michael Jordan hanging out, making music videos.

Ironic bonding - I like to picture atoms sitting in a dive bar with tallboy PBRs and trucker hats, complaining about how nobody knows the actual definition of irony.