Monday, July 5, 2010

Fund-O-Meter 7-5-2010: Holiday Weekend Edition

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Funds Raised ($425) Status: No longer Norman Rockwell vagabond
Well, I'm nearly 1/4 of the way to raising enough money to cover the entire program cost.  That means I can bid adieu to hopping railcars, heating canned food over a burning trashcan and generating nostalgia for Depression-era Americana.  I'm still not quite within shouting distance of Scrooge McDuck moneyroom status, however.

Overall Mood: Up like Screaming Peony Followed By A Spider-Horsetail Combo

 Image via

In the spirit of our nations birthday and also the wholly American desire to set things on fire (though hopefully not your house), spirits are high here at the 5th Parallel.  Its been a little over a week since I sent out a massive mailing, e-mailed all my friends and fired up this blog, and things are progressing nicely.

Next Steps Towards World Domination: Umm, wait for more letters to arrive?  I really didn't have a grand plan beyond contacting all my family, friends and friends of my family and asking for money.  So hopefully that works out.  I'll be putting some more time into the blog to perhaps encourage people to donate.  No way to make money by giving away something for free, right?  Good ol' American capitalism.

This Feature Sucks How Can I End It?

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