Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Primer

So there I was.  I graduated in December with a masters degree from Georgia Tech, and now it was time to find a job.  Except I didn't find a job.  I mostly caught up on movies, video games and books for a while.  Frankly, I wasn't all that excited about joining the real world.  Then I read about WorldTeach, a nonprofit organization that facilitates volunteer teaching positions in developing countries.  The program I read about was in the Marshall Islands.  I went to the WorldTeach website, read about the various programs, and found out that while I had missed some program deadlines (sorry Micronesia), the Guyana program application deadline was only a few weeks away.  Upon reading about the program, I became really excited about the prospect of volunteering in Guyana.  Some information about the country and the program can be found below the break.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Welcome to Guyana

And when I say Guyana, I mean Maryland.

I'm leaving for Guyana in mid-August.  In the meantime I'm going to be tweaking the blog layout and posting some more info about the program, Guyana and where the two meet.

If you're interested in supporting me financially, please visit my donations page.

I've also got a few regular features I plan to implement, but we'll see how that goes.